Myself and two of my closest girl friends in Munich were overdue for vacation getaway - we longed for someplace warm, sunny, by the ocean, not in a city with plenty of wine and good food to go around. So where does one go on a girls trip like this during times of a Corona pandemic? To our good fortune Greece gave us the green light for an amount that could never match a fortune.
We landed on the sunny Greek island of Crete on late Thursday morning in September. We embarked upon an hour bus ride that included some of the worst motion-sickness I have come to experience due in part to the windy and narrow roads of Crete (be grateful for those friends who rub your back for almost an hour straight) ALAS it was worth it once we arrived in the quaint little beach town of Bali! ... BIKINI, BEER, BEACH NOW!!!
The events that would unfold for the following five days can be roughly summed up into eating, slipping out of one bikini into the next, petting and naming the local stray cats, drinking wine, taking shots of ouzo, trying to remember how to pronounce a few simple Greek causalities, smoking a shisha (my first time), smoking other legal herbs, finding another cat to pet, taking the nth picture of the view in Bali, wondering if its too early for a glass (or bottle) of wine, birthing the white diva, swimming, swimming at night, eating again, making friends, aaaannnd starting again from the beginning!
A good marker for a true friendship, in my opinion is how well you travel together. The three of us had one of the most seamless, fun, uncomplicated, laughter filled dynamics any three chicks on a foreign island might ever have. If possible I believe this trip brought us that much closer together as the three of us were able to be our own unapologetic quirky selves without any judgement or cattiness - this is friendship as it should be!
Caro and Lea - thank you for being you and thank you for this friendship.
We rented a car for two days - on the first day and what was on the top of my Crete "to do" list was to visit Baro's Beach, apparently the "Caribbean of Crete", I mean who can say no to that?! Well long story short during our 2,5 hour trip their (one way) it started to rain and rain then some thunder a little bit of lightning and just as fast a lightning bolt hits the earth my vision of soaking my toes in the sand of Baros became a mere fantasy I carry with me until next time. However, we did find an alternative beach and I against all good logic jumped amongst waves during a [mild] thunderstorm. The next day we visited the town of Rethimno, next to Bali - here we wandered through the seemingly endless alley-ways, took multiple dozen photos, and ate at apparently one of the best restaurants in town. From the way the food was prepared and tasted I'll speak on behalf of the three of us that we defiantly agree!
I will admit once we returned to Munich from Crete I fell into a post-vacation slump - as a versed traveller I'd say one of the main downfalls of travelling. Writing this post took me weeks as my motivation was quite slim (being human I'll admit to this) however, creating this post brings me back to the vacation and in a way has allowed me to relive it even if it may be through the memories stored in my head. Next time, we are going for a minimum of 10 days!
I always enjoy sharing my travel stories/photos with you dear reader and I HOPE during times of Covid that I will be able to continue with this travel/blog hobby of mine. The photos are in no particular order but I believe you will catch a glimpse into this much needed getaway with my girls. I'm certain their are a number of more photos I have forgotten or could have added however this will have to suffice ;)
