There's much I could write about Munich but where to begin...the capital of Bavaria, the home of the Oktoberfest, great beer (in Bavaria beer is considered "grundnahrungsmittel" meaning its a staple food-group... you really can't top that in the coolness charts), pretzels, attractive people, slightly pretentious and overpriced bars and eatery's, bike-friendly (is an understatement), pretzels, the place they gave beer its very own garden, my parents' hometown, my second-hometown, obatzda (the cheese dip of dreams -- my dear
plant-eaters it's so delicious the cows might just turn a blind-eye on this one), pretzels, a stone's throw from the mountains, Viktualienmarkt (a farmers market where old men go to drink as a profession), the English-Garden, tourists, did I mention Munich has the best pretzels?
The list goes on, so for those who have yet to come to Munich, stop wasting your time wherever you are and come visit this city instead. If Warsaw (as I mentioned) is the Grandma who cooks well, then Munich is the Grandma who gives the best hugs and always has beer in the fridge (hmm, I'm not certain what I mean with that statement but I'll go with it).
So here we go - Munich, my love.
Side note: as I continue to live here, the photo's should keep streaming in ;)
